MGR Registered Myotonic
Fainting Goats
A Little Bit About Myotonic "Fainting" Goats
While not a great history, Fainters do have a very unique one. Reaching back to the 1880's, when a farm worker named John Tinsley brought four of them to Tennessee. The breed soon became popular throughout the region. Shepherds often kept the goats in with their flocks as insurance in case a predator would attacks. The theory went something like this- as wolves would come down from the hills to attack a flock of sheep, the goats would become startled and they would faint. The sheep would make a clean getaway, as the wolves would focus on the stunned goats rather than follow the fleeing sheep. It was not that good if you were a goat, but the sheep liked it.
Fainting goats are also commonly referred to as the Tennessee Wooden Leg goat, Nervous goats, Falling goats, and Stiff-Legged goats.
They are alert, good-natured animals with a conformation that is smooth, functional, and rugged. They are also generally quiet, and are much quieter than many other breeds of goats. Parasite-resistance is another trait that the breed is renowned for. They are also less prone to climbing, therefore less escapes. With a higher degree of muscularity than their non-fainting relatives do, they are also highly valued for their meat. Another important trait is that they have a high reproductive rate with usually two or more to a litter. So to recap here is a list of great traits that Myotonics have:
Docile temperament
Myotonia congenita leading to stiffness and muscularity
Abundance of high quality muscle
Good adaptation to low-input forage-based feeding systems
Genetic distance from other breeds such that crossbreeding yields great hybrid vigor.
Myotonic goats come in varying sizes. The medium to large animals are generally used for meat production while the smaller animals are generally sought after as pets. Myotonic goats of all sizes are stocky, with obvious width for height. The body is wide, full, and deep, with heavier than average muscling evident throughout. Muscle development increases with age, so that older goats are more heavily muscled than younger ones. Tennessee bloodlines tend to be lower and broader than Texas bloodlines, which tend to be taller and a little less blocky. The companion animal type has does that are usually no smaller than 50 pounds mature weight and bucks rarely under 80 pounds mature weight. The production type for does generally ranges between 80 pounds and 130 pounds, and for bucks ranges from around 130 pounds to 175 pounds. Does larger than 150 pounds and bucks larger than 200 pounds are not typical of the breed but are occasionally encountered.

- Meet Our Doe Herd -
We currently have 8 MGR Registered Fainter does/doe kids. Take a look at them below. They are listed from oldest to youngest. You can learn a little about each one below. We look forward to continuing to expand/grow our herd!
- Meet Our Buck Herd -
We currently have 3 MGR Registered adult bucks and 1 MGR Registered Buckling. Take a look at them below. These boys will be put to work each fall and we always look forward to seeing their future kids here on our farm!